It is also helpful that she does have a few role models (whom she eventually gets to meet), and has friends who are supportive of her once they find out her true identity. I loved that Reyna addresses this topic, and while it informs many of her choices, it never stops her from working towards her dream. This is set just far enough in the future that readers in 2067 might still have access to this book! Not a lot has changed, especially in the treatment of women and people of color in the gamer world. Strengths: While the descriptions of in-game play (and the fantastic cover!) are what will sell this to most readers, there is plenty of relevant social content for gatekeepers.

Will Reyna be able to hold her own in the tournament, stay connected with her family, remain safe from those who wish her ill, and pursue a career in E Sports? During the third round, she is made the captain of a team that includes F3lx, who is widely suspected of habitual cheating, but who is so clever he is never caught. (From : To publish the private personal information of (another person) or reveal the identity of (an online poster) without the consent of that individual.) This strengthens her resolve to do well at the tournament, especially since she wants to win the $10,000 prize in order to help her family. Not only that, but she gets an anonymous e mail from another player who threatens to dox her. In the meantime, her mother's condition worsens, and her father wants her to come back home. In the second round, she tries another alliance with RHCP, but that doesn't go as well. Reyna makes it through the first round by forging an alliance with Proslayer, a player whom she has admired, but he does not make it through. Her best friend from school, Henry, is at the camp, and she does connect with Nell Kwon (a boy), over their interest in The RuiNar. The summer academy has many useful classes, but Reyna struggles with the social aspects of the camp, since she has to hide her identity. They think that she should spend her time studying useful things, like math and science, and don't fully support her dreams of being a professional gamer like LuckyJade847, her idol. Her parents are struggling, especially now that her mother is battling cancer, and are not thrilled to have their daughter be so interested in gaming. Her online presence is The RuiNar, who presents as a teenage boy, a play on the Chinese version of her name, Rui Nar.

She's had to keep her online identity separate from her in person one, since there is a heavy bias against both female and Asian gamers. It's 2067, and Reyna Chang is definitely super excited to be at the summer Dayhold Academy and to be taking part in the junior championship tournament.